
The Conflict Resolution Toolbox, Second Edition, Wiley and Sons
Gary T. Furlong
“This second edition of the Conflict Resolution Toolbox should be one of the ESSENTIAL reference works on the bookshelf of any conflict resolution practitioner or, for THAT MATTER, IN THE BACKPACK or BRIEFCASE of ANYONE seeking A GREATER UNDERSTANDING of the CAUSES, DYNAMICS, AND development of conflicts, AND in SEARCH of more effective STRATEGIES to ADDRESS, resolve, AND TRANSFORm them for the better.”
Christopher Moore Partner, CDR Associates author of The Mediation Process: Practical Strategies for Resolving Conflict

Strategic Negotiation: Building Organizational Excellence, A Roadmap to Harnessing the Power of Alignment, Routledge
Joshua A. Gordon & Gary T. Furlong
“Negotiation teaching has always focused on what the spokespeople say to each other, around a table or zoom screen. This book goes far beyond this, to explain what an organization must do to bargain well. It’s unique among books on bargaining—it explains, clearly and straightforwardly, what a community group or large corporation should do to prepare its people to bargain effectively and achieve its long term goals.”
Professor Dwight Golann, Suffolk University Law School
“This book is a quick and easy read that provides insights and tools of value to anyone – ADR practitioners or otherwise. Analysis of various approaches to interactions and what they serve to accomplish are complemented with the offering of hands-on tools and skills that can be applied to a wide range of situations for win-win outcomes.”
Marc Bhalla, ADR institute of Ontario

BrainFishing: A Practice Guide to Questioning Skills, Friesen Press
Gary T. Furlong & Jim Harrison

"The Playbook is a fascinating look at the structures and strategies that produce consistent success. By using real-world examples to bring their concepts to life, Gordon, Furlong and Pendleton have developed an incredible resource for any organization that's serious about optimizing their performance."
Ian Dobson, 2008 US Olympian and High Performance Running Coach
The Sports Playbook: Building Teams that Outperform, Year After Year, Routledge
Joshua A. Gordon, Gary T. Furlong, Ken Pendleton